• About PeraWise

About PeraWise

What can you do on Perawise?


PeraWise is a financial education portal with gaming features. It offers you a wide variety of articles with quizzes (so called challenges) that improve and test your financial knowledge. By completing this process, you earn valuable crystals, which you can use for additional tries and other possibilities.

You can also check your personal creditworthiness in three levels. That reflects your financial status from the financial institutions’ point of view. That will help you to assess your situation. PeraWise will also give you advices how to improve your personal scoring.

  • articles
    Read articles
  • challenges
    Complete challenges
  • crystals
    Collect valuable crystals
  • creditworthy
    Check your creditworthiness

All of that will help you become an expert with financial freedom

And everything absolutely for free.

Start your journey now

Your story

  • hero


    This is you, that's pretty easy. A hero fighting through the challenge to financial freedom.

  • villain


    And this is your main enemy. The incomprehensible financial world and greedy financial institutions that need to be defeated with your knowledge.

Your journey begins here where you can create your own story.

  • item1
    As the Hero, you will face numerous challenges, test your knowledge and earn valuable rewards.
  • item2
    The Villain stands in your way. But with PeraWise, you have the tools and knowledge to conquer your financial goals.
  • item3
    No one else can do this for you – embrace the journey and become the master of your financial destiny.

Articles & Challenges

There is a wide range of articles with financial topics

Articles are divided to several thematic sections:
Finances, Innovation, Lifestyle, Banking, Macro and others.

There are 3 articles difficulties:

  • Beginner
  • Advanced
  • Expert

Final Quizzes

There is a challenging quiz at the end of every article to test your gained knowledge.


With 4 questions you need to answer to beat the villain.

You'll get a different amount crystals based on level difficulty and on the number of successfully answered questions.

But be careful, if you won't answer the minimum of 50%, you'll get nothing.

You'll get just a limited number of tries within a day:

  • Beginner: 3

  • Advanced: 2

  • Expert: 1


In case no additional try is left, you have to wait until tomorrow to get new tries or you can buy a new try.

You’ll level up as soon as you collect following number of crystals

  • crystals_beginner


    up to 750 crystals

  • crystals_advanced


    751 - 1500 crystals

  • crystals_expert


    1500+ crystals

Your character & spending crystals

Obtaining crystals

  • Account creation
  • Account details completion
  • Successfully completed challenge

    You must answer a minimum percentage of the questions correctly to pass the challenge.

    Beginner: 50 % Advanced: 60% Expert: 90 %
    +4 up to +80

    depends on level and your success

  • Daily log in
    Coming soon
  • Invite a friend
    Coming soon

Spending crystals

  • Additional tries
  • Premium e-books
    Coming soon

Creditworthiness scoring

You can check your creditworthiness status

MyScore Rating

That's a score which calculates your financial status and situation the way financial institutions rate you.


You can choose from 3 variants:


Basic Rating

  • Essential rating for anyone
  • Defines if your scoring is Low, Medium or High

Plus Rating

  • Standard scoring
  • For registered users
  • Defines a finer scoring detail in 6 tiers
  • Gives you general suggestions how to improve your scoring

Elite Rating

  • Comprehensive scoring
  • For registered users with fully completed profile information
  • Defines a detailed scoring detail in 6 tiers and exact value out of 100
  • Gives you very useful detailed suggestions how to improve your scoring
  • calendar
    You can do the scoring every 30 days
  • level_up
    The higher scoring level is still available for you
  • profile
    The results are saved for you if you're registered
  • free
    Everything is absolutely for free to use